One voice, one melody, can change the harmony of the universe. ~TM

Best compliment EVER...well, to date, at least!

>> 18 August 2011

As of yesterday,
I have lost a total of
65 lbs.

The surgeon and my personal doctor believe 160lbs would be a good weight for me to settle at.  So with that being the goal mark, I am on the down low, as my Auntie Tonie likes to say.  Only 47 more lbs. to go.

I have to admit, I am feeling a bit anxious.  I have only taken one Holiday Photo with my children, and that was only because I didn't want them to look back when I am gone and wonder why I was never in the pictures with them.  This year, I am DETERMINED to take that Holiday Photo and ROCK it!!!  That means I only have 3 more months to get down to goal weight.  It hasn't been hard so far, but it has also been summer and the weather has been fantastically mild (thanks Global Warming).  Fall and winter will pose some challenges, but I am not giving up now.  Not after today's series of compliments.

Today was the first day of school for my two eldest.  As we did last year, we were ready and dressed bright and early, and then we took off and walked to school.  Traditionally, on the first day, the parents walk their children all the way to their classrooms from the front gate, which of course, I followed suit.  After x's and o's were given and received, and I got the girls off to their classes, and as I began to leave, some of my girlfriends (Especialmente Oliva. Gracias!), who have not seen me over the summer, began to gushing.  Now, I gotta say...that felt hella good!  They aren't gonna be the only ones with their sexy back!!!  To top that off, a handful of the teachers and office staff complimented me; a couple, in fact, said they did not recognize me.  That, I kind of find hard to believe since I am an extremely vocal and visual presence at the school, but I'll take it!

Aria (2nd grade) & Allegra (3rd grade)

After dropping them off, I walked home with my younger two; one in the carriage, and one by my side.  We were ho-humming along when I saw a couple of friends of mine, about to drive by in their truck.  So of course, I waved and called out to them.  When the finally recognized me, they apologized profusely because they didn't recognize me and gushed, too.  Ok,...a little odd to handle, I have to say.  Not really sure what to say in that situation, but I surfed my way though it...I think!?!



And then of course, was this past weekend at my 20th High School Reunion Weekend (no comments from the non-peanut gallery!).  I was surprised to find out just how many of my old friends read this blog and have been following along on this journey with me.  Props to you know who you are!  Thanks again for all your love, support, and compliments!  What a fabulous time!  And THANK YOU to all those who attended the picnic on Sunday for making sure my son had a reaction-free day!  It was amazing!!!

Matty & I - Saturday Night Lights  

 Andi & I - Sunday in the Park

I added August's composite picture to the slideshow for those of you following along.  I have received feedback from  some that they cannot see the slideshow pictures at all (friggin'...oh wait, I can't blame Yahoo! for this one, dang it!!!), so I am going to use this post to share with you the composite pictures as well.

As I have said before, I am extremely happy with my decision to go through with the surgery.  Only regret is not wearing the right bra for the last shot above!!!  Dang it!  In all seriousness though, I am happy if for no other reason than I am coaching soccer this year for my girls, which would not have happened last year, or in a million years, and that totally rocks!!!




Three Months Out

>> 05 August 2011

Three months since my surgery and...

I have officially lost 57 lbs.   Booyah!!!

I am so proud of myself, I totally want to treat myself to a new outfit, but I am fighting the urge.  I don’t want to buy something that I will only wear for the next couple of months and then have to give it away.  So instead, I splurged on some accessories.  My 3 month visit isn’t until the middle of the month, so I am hoping the number  will be lower and I can go and splurge again.  Go me!!! 

I finally got the Serious Transformation slide show up (RH column, near bottom), though I haven’t taken them for this month.  I have been so stinking busy with swimming lessons, my garden and canning what little the d*mn squirrels didn’t obliterate, the baby having surgery (she came out of it like a trooper, thanks to all who asked and prayed for her), trying to figure out why my son has a borderline clotting issue which made the hospital cancel his surgery, a family member’s passing, and the various other obstacles that I have encountered these past few weeks.  Hopefully tomorrow, I will have a breather as I am not scheduled to do anything but work out. 

Again, a week by week play by play this month is pretty boring actually, but I will do it for my friends who are still considering Gastric Bypass.

Week 9

Glad to report, dizziness is totally gone!!!  I have been working out with my PT, and walking more.  Other than that…same ol’, same ol’.

Only bad – nothing other than what I already reported; chicken still makes me hurl.

Week 10

Still going strong with extra work out and longer walks, but weight loss has stalled, which is extremely frustrating.   I know I am probably adding on muscle mass, but that is SO not helpful when the goal is loosing, not gaining or remaining the same.  Thankfully, I have the support of some really great friends who have gone through the surgery and know all about the lovely plateaus.   

Still drinking like a fish.  Water never tasted soooo good,…and I hate water.

Only bad - still being so friggn' thirsty it ain't even funny.

Week 11

Lost ONE SINGLE POUND this week, which was encouraging and frustrating all at the same time.  A pound a week is good for a GB patient, but it can be discouraging as well.  It took a lot for me to talk myself out of the onset of the depression I could feel coming on.  The only thing that kept me striving to break the plateau was knowing I was now fitting into jeans I had packed away years ago and looking good in them.

Only bad- Not loosing as fast as I was before, which is normal, but a mind trip!

Week 12 

Added in a bit of swimming last week and this week, since the children were taking lessons.  It is nice to be in the pool on these hot summer days.

I had an unexpected dumping episode the morning of the baby’s surgery.  I had eggs in the hospital cafeteria.  It HAD to have been the grease the eggs were cooked in, but whatever it was, it came right back up.  I have had eggs fixed all kinds of ways before and never had a reaction, so I am believing it was what was on the grill that caused the issue.  Whatever it was, I was not a happy girl for about an hour.

Only bad – Unexpected dumping. 


So there is month three.  Still going strong.  At the rate I am going, I should be down to goal weight before Xmas.  Howdy doody, that would rock!  

Once again, if you have any questions or comments for me that you would like to be confidential, please use the email button to your right, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.  Otherwise, please leave your love in the comments box below.

I can’t say it enough… thank you, for all the love and support y'all have shown and sent my way.  Y'all are making this very east and comfortable for me, and I cannot thank you enough.  I do have the greatest friends and family in the world...and a lot of them!!!




Serious Compositions

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