One voice, one melody, can change the harmony of the universe. ~TM

Five, Six, Seven Months Out...OH MY!

>> 20 December 2011

Well, I certainly bit off more than I could chew…no pun intended.    

It has been a very busy 3 months, with Fernando and Andante’s surgeries (more on that below), all of the children’s activities, taking on the directorship for the Our Lady Of Guadalupe Fiesta at our Church (which was last week) and for the Glorious Youth Choir’s Xmas Eve Mass (this Saturday).   We have been rehearsing since October…so yeah, I have been a busy girl.  So busy, I have barely seen my PT Nathaniel, who I actually miss!  ;)

So, instead of trying to give you a run down of the weeks that are now a blur, I will just go by month. 

As of October 3rd of this year, I had officially lost    
80 lbs.   

Uh huh!!!  You know it!!!

As of November 3rd of this year, I had officially lost   
91 lbs.   

That’s right!!!

As of December 3rd of this year, I have officially lost   
100 lbs.   

Can I get a BOOYAH!!!

And, even though I fit into size 12 jeans, I did fit…and NOT tightly I might add…into a size 10 Hollywood Glamour dress for my girlfriend Dionne’s Mobster Casino Night for her 40th birthday, which was at the beginning of this month!  It was a great day to celebrate for the both of us!!!

At the 6th month mark, I had my check up with the Surgeon’s PA.  I was officially given the title of a medical success, and my surgery was deemed a medically necessary step in removing all signs of diabetes.  Yes folks, you heard it right.  I am off the diabetic list!!!  WOOT!  WOOT! 

In fact, the PA said he was impressed I did it in 6 mths.  My BMI is now in the range (which I believe is 28-31) where I am at my “goal” weight and they would be pleased if I stayed here.  I personally would like to see the last 20lbs gone, but I am not going to kill myself over it.  It will come off when it wants to.

As for the dumping syndrome, which from here out I am calling the spilling syndrome (so much nicer and more accurate), I don’t know why, but I am still affected.  The only problem is I do not know when it is going to happen.  It is so random with me, but it is never over sugar because I do not put the sugar into my body for fear of the spilling syndrome.  For example, my mother fixed Italian green beans the other night.  I have eaten them post surgery before, so I didn’t think anything of it.  Less than 5 minutes after eating them, I was in the restroom spewing them.  Not pretty!  Not sure why it is that I am affected this way, but I deal.  Still cannot eat chicken or cooked pork products.  Cured pork products do not bother me…go figure.  Anyhow…

One thing that has caught me off guard recently is the reaction people have to me who have not seen me in a while, or have only seen my monthly composite pictures on here and on facebook.  Honestly, I still fell like the heavy girl I have always been.  It is hard for me to even wrap my brain around how much I have lost until I stare at the pictures of each month that has gone by.  It has been a phenomenal physical journey, but it is one that my brain has not caught up with yet.  If it were not for the tags in my clothing, I would not see myself 100lbs lighter.  It’s so odd to me.  I have noticed it in certain areas of course, like my face and neck, and…well, The Girls have suffered a great lost, but when I look in the mirror, the difference is not as drastic to me as it is when I look at the pictures.  Not sure why that it…but I am sure I will be working on it in therapy soon!  *wink, wink*

On the flip side, both Fernando and Andante’s surgeries went very well.  Andante had an extremely easy recovery, thankfully.  Fernando had a slight set back in the beginning after the doctors found an ulcer on the old stomach because of a medicine he was taking.  Once that situation was stabilized, things calmed down for him, and have gone relatively smoothly.  I say relatively because I want to illustrate the point of following the diet to a T!!!   Fernando, from the beginning, has gone too fast in trying new foods before the doctor prescribed dates he was supposed to and he has suffered for it.  He has had more spilling issues than I can count.  I believe he has finally learned to slow down, for his sake.  It sucks when you have to go back and eat baby food for a while because you went to eating meat a little too soon.  So warning for anyone considering this surgery… LISTEN AND LEARN!  What the doctors try to drill into your head pre-op is critical to your recovery and lifestyle afterwards.  Again, we would like to thank you for all of your lights shining out towards us during their surgeries and recoveries.  We definitely felt the love.


So there is month five, six, and seven for you.  I can’t believe it’s been half a year already and I am at the doctor’s goal.  As I said in my last post; I know I am working at it, and I have totally changed my lifestyle and eating habits to achieve this, but wow!  Just wow! 

Once again, if you have any questions or comments for me that you would like to be confidential, please use the email button to your right, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.  Otherwise, please leave your love in the comments box below.

And though you know it, I have to continue to say it… thank you, for all the love and support y'all have shown and sent my way.  Y'all are making this very east and comfortable for me, and I cannot thank you enough.  I do have the greatest friends and family in the world...and a lot of them!!!

Wishing all of you a very blessed holiday season.




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