All Hail the Kitchen Frau
>> 12 November 2008
Excuse me for a moment while I ring my own bell...
No seriously... I am! lol
I have been playing havock trying to get the girls to acclamate to the rice milk since we had to switch over. I finally got them adjusted before school started and then they go to my mother's house. I told her not to give in to their whining about not getting soy milk, but what does she do... she buys them soy milk to drink because it is not fair to them to have to drink Andante's milk. OMG... why do I bother sometimes?!?
Well, they come home from this weekend, and they are back to NOT drinking the rice milk. Ugh! Now what do I do?
Hmmm... the pantry. OK, let's see what's inside.
As I go through it, I see baking chocolate. Hmmm...totally allergen free (for us). Interesting!
Well I had just finished making a batch of rice milk, so I figured Ah, what the Hell... I have all the stuff out anyhow, what's another batch see if using the baking chocolate will work to make chocolate rice milk.
Granted, it took a lot more organic sugar (don't ask how much... I cook by taste, than I wanted to use since I had run out of stevia, but after a few taste tests, WHALAA!!! Sweet chocolate rice milk! Now for the taste test...
After I brought Allegra home from dance, the children sat down at the kitchen table for a snack. I gave them GF pretzles and my specially made chocolate rice milk... and I waited with baited breath. Unbelievably, Rory, Ari, and Dante drank every last drop I had poured into their perspective cups and then asked for more!
*insert Handel's Hallelujia Chorus here*
SCHWEET!!! I have conquered my mother's semiconscious underminding! I rock!!!
Today was a GREAT allergy-free day. Now all I have left to do is tackle dinner...
I am a freakin' genius!
No seriously... I am! lol
I have been playing havock trying to get the girls to acclamate to the rice milk since we had to switch over. I finally got them adjusted before school started and then they go to my mother's house. I told her not to give in to their whining about not getting soy milk, but what does she do... she buys them soy milk to drink because it is not fair to them to have to drink Andante's milk. OMG... why do I bother sometimes?!?
Well, they come home from this weekend, and they are back to NOT drinking the rice milk. Ugh! Now what do I do?
Hmmm... the pantry. OK, let's see what's inside.
As I go through it, I see baking chocolate. Hmmm...totally allergen free (for us). Interesting!
Well I had just finished making a batch of rice milk, so I figured Ah, what the Hell... I have all the stuff out anyhow, what's another batch see if using the baking chocolate will work to make chocolate rice milk.
Granted, it took a lot more organic sugar (don't ask how much... I cook by taste, than I wanted to use since I had run out of stevia, but after a few taste tests, WHALAA!!! Sweet chocolate rice milk! Now for the taste test...
After I brought Allegra home from dance, the children sat down at the kitchen table for a snack. I gave them GF pretzles and my specially made chocolate rice milk... and I waited with baited breath. Unbelievably, Rory, Ari, and Dante drank every last drop I had poured into their perspective cups and then asked for more!
*insert Handel's Hallelujia Chorus here*
SCHWEET!!! I have conquered my mother's semiconscious underminding! I rock!!!
Today was a GREAT allergy-free day. Now all I have left to do is tackle dinner...
1 Serious Comments:
how fun! sounds yummy!!
can you believe it's been 3months since the wheat diagnosis and i have yet to trial rice milk with M? i'm just so scared. i had wanted to try and do it in plenty of time before his bday so we could know if he was able to have a bday cake that contained rice flour, but now his bday is next week and i still haven't done it.
anyhoo. it's interesting that your girls like soy milk over rice milk... must definitely be an acquired taste because i can't STAND soy but will buy it if the store is out of rice.
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