One voice, one melody, can change the harmony of the universe. ~TM

Harvest Time Down On The Farm

>> 07 November 2008

Aria, myself, & Andante on the hayride at the Pumpkin Patch

Wow... so sorry it has been a while since I have posted.  The end of October/beginning of November has been non-stop events for this city girl! 

From Pumpkin Patches, to a "Harvest on the Farm" themed birthday party for Aria (and 3o of her little friends and their parents...yeah, I know... WHAT was I thinking???  It was SOOO much fun!!!), to Aria's 4yr check-up, to school functions, to meetings, to parties, to dance, to choir practice ON Halloween (I know, again... WHAT was I thinking???), to trick or treating, to getting ready for Kindergarden's Thanksgiving Day Feast (to be held next week), to band rehersals, to the Election, to today... Oh, yeah... and an Allergist visit for Nando and I.... I have not had the time to even breathe, let alone get caught up on all the laundry!!!

Again... WHAT was I thinking???  lol

Andante & Aria playing in the corn box at the Pumpkin Patch

At the Pumpkin Patch, Andante did have a slight reaction to the hay ride.  Benadryl did the trick, as usual.  I so need to buy stock!  I did panic a bit when he wanted to play in the corn box with his sister.  You can imagine how this exaserbates my OCD.   It is an internal fight of, do I let him live a little and have some fun, or do I keep him sheltered from harm, and all that bacteria, and all those potential allergens that could set him off into an anaphylactic reaction because of the cross-contamination.  This is always the hardest decision I have to make.  It tears at my heart no matter which way I choose to let him go.  And no matter what I choose, the tears of frustration, unfairness, and longing they are now!  Oh mercy!

In the end, both Ari and Dante had a great time, with a slight reaction.  I'll take it!

Aria (Tata Chicken...don't ask!) with her cousin Luke (Cowboy Luke)

Aria had a wonderful country fall themed costume party the weekend before Halloween.  We had 3o children (from her class, cousins, choir members, siblings, family friends) attend her party.  We had apple bobbing, potato sack races, pumpkin decorating, candy corn guesstimate, animal scavenger hunt, and the traditional pinata... oh yeah, and the farm animal petting zoo curtosey of my FIL and Nando's Uncle T.  All of the food served was Andate-friendly.  The only exceptions were the candy corn and the optional cheese for the burgers if people wanted.  We announced at the beginning of the party that if anyone was consuming these things to please not touch Dante until they washed their hands and faces and made sure there was nothing spilled onto their clothes, and to please refrain from kissing him.  Most everyone at the party had received the allergy letter from us (posted here in October), so they came prepared.  We had wipes on the tables for everyone.  It was a miracle.  70+ people through out the day, and NOT ONE REACTION!!!

I cried.  People are amazing.  God is good!

Halloween 2oo8 - Knock, Knock!

Halloween went just as well.  My parents had been to China and brought back traditional clothing for the children, so the kids went as American Olympians returning home from medals and all!!!  Allegra won best costume for her K class.  It rocked!!! 

That night trick or treating, we went to a few of our "family houses"... made the Godparents' houses and the special friends, and then made the rounds in a more populous neighborhood.  Remember... we live on a dirt road.  No one trick or treats here!  lol

One thing I did notice is that we could go blocks before we would reach a house giving out candy.  Unreal.  Never have I seen this town especially so dead on pun intended.  Party poopers!!!

Best thing of the night though... when we told people Dante could not take the candy from them because of his allergies... perfect strangers for the most part, mind you,... they would reach in their pockets and pull out money for him.  Dude made out with like $10.  Why didn't I think of this gig before???  lol

Rory & Ari at the school Halloween costume parade

My little Olympians back from China! Ni Hao!

So alls well that ends well.  Now... on to Tday and Xmas.  Lord have mercy!!! 



PS.  Oh yeah... btw... I added some new songs that have touched me lately. I hope you enjoy their message.  Just for you, AM!

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