When Food Kills - a documentary
>> 28 December 2008
Andante in ER, 4 hrs after 1st anaphylactic reaction - 2o June 2oo8
Tonight I watched a documentary on food allergies on The Discovery Channel titled When Food Kills (I tried searching for the next listing but I could not find it).
It is by far the best description of the daily life and what can happen to a severly allergic child that I have seen yet. As I watched the documentary, holding my severely allergic child in my arms, the tears rolled down my face uncontrollably. Everything that I have gone through in less than a year was documented in this film. My nightmare was playing out in front of my eyes. From watching the reactions take place on film of other children being tested for their allergies, to the mothers that shared stories of their struggles, from the ignorance they faced from others around them, to the deaths of several children who only ingested traces of their allergens... for me, it was my life played out on screen. I wish everyone in the world could see this documentary... maybe then they would understand, or at least begin to. I know I cannot reach the whole world yet... but here, I can being the journey.
I have put a ten minute segment of the 44 min. documentary in the right column under Serious Must Sees. As of right now, the whole documentary is only avalible for purchase. Once I find the full length version, I will be posting it... it is worth it's wait in platinum. I have also added a documentary on food allergies explained from the mouths of babes. Warning: have your tissues at the ready.
I ask that you please watch at least the segement that is to the right as a starting point. Please, if you have any questions, feel free to email me.
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