One voice, one melody, can change the harmony of the universe. ~TM

Welcome Back!

>> 27 April 2011

Welcome me?  Well, yeah...I guess so.  I took a somewhat long hiatus from the blogasphere, but I have decided to return to my virtual world in hopes of aiding, learning, and loving those who share my road with me.  But this time, there's a twist...

Not only will I be blogging about my family's numerous allergies, I will also take you on my journey into the world of Gastric Bypass, which I am scheduled for on Monday morning (o2 May 11).  Honestly, I am not sure I am ready to reveal a pre-op pic, other than of my lovely face (lol), but at least I can share this journey with you. 

Please join me as I navigate these twists and turns on my new path.



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