One voice, one melody, can change the harmony of the universe. ~TM

Sometimes It's Just Easier To Stay Home, Vol. 3

>> 28 December 2008

Andante had a minor reaction to something either from Xmas Eve or Xmas Day... not sure which, or what set him off.  I chalked it up to the holidays... I was pleased it wasn't a reaction on a grander scale to be honest.

But then, thanks to my Mother-in-law's need to have homemade goat cheese out, believing that this will not cause Dante to react, he of course, was touched by someone, and INSTANTLY his face began to swell; raccoon eyes, blotches, redness,...

So down went the 1st dose of Benadryl... followed by the second 30 minutes later, and then at 4am, I was paying the price to the piper as my son was UP... and NOT returning to his slumber.  Not even a cup of warmed, homemade vanilla rice milk would do the trick.

So, cranked up the heater and out to the living room we went to watch Santa Claus 3 for the umpteenmillionth time until he finally fell back asleep.  I REALLY need to replace that DVD player in my bedroom.  At least then I would have been warm and half asleep under my covers waiting on the D-Dawg!

I really cherish the days without reactions!  Though they are not few and far between anymore, thank God... they are PLATINUM!!!



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