One voice, one melody, can change the harmony of the universe. ~TM

Sometimes It's Just Easier To Stay Home, Vol. 1

>> 30 November 2008

Andante playing with Avôs puppy

Well, we survived Thanksgiving reaction FREE!!! W00T! W00T!

We ended up staying home thanks to a 24 hour stomach flu that rampaged through the members of this household. Holy Moses, and I thought I had a lot of laundry to do before!!! And talk about diaper duty…
Let’s just not go there.

I accomplished the biggest goal for the holidays; everything on our table was allergen free, except for the family stuffing. Nando is a Stove Top junkie, so I made a batch for him. I made Andante’s stuffing with purposefully staled, then toasted tapioca and rice breads. It was purdy dern good, even if I do say so myself! *snicker*

Yes, I am pretty proud of myself.

We had considered going to my bAunts house (for those of you who aren’t up on the lingo, a b before a title stands for biological, and a stands for adoptive, as I was adopted but do have interaction with my birth family) for Thanksgiving, but I just wasn’t in the mood to try to manage a place where 50+ people who would be learning about Dante’s food allergies (FAs) for the first time at this gathering. That, and never getting the definitive answer on if my bRents were going to be there or not were deciding factors.

Sometimes it is just easier to stay home.

Which brings me to a post that was made eariler this week, from Samm, a TKWFA group mother. She posted about an outing she went on with her food allergic (FA) child. On this outing, she found herself looking from the outside in on the world of contact/airborne food allergies; the trials and angst that those of us within this FA world go through when we leave the safety of our homes. Here is her story (edited only to remove child’s name):

I belong to a mommy/baby group at our local hospital. My daughter and I go every Wednesday morning. Today there was a little girl just a few months younger than my child. She was maybe 13 months old or so. I had only seen her once before, many months ago. I knew the parents thought she had food allergies, but she had not been in a while so I did not think much of it. We had been playing for a while, when I overheard the mom say something about wishing there was a food free group or place she could take her daughter to, as they have many allergies; some that are anaphylactic (ANA). The child has reactions through contact, and the mother is still nursing. She even went on an Elemental diet to continue nursing until her daughter began to react to the elemental diet as well.

As the mom was saying this across the room I was actively feeding my daughter strawberries and bananas. I felt horrible. Here she has no idea what her child is allergic to and she brings her for a day of fun outside the bubble of home, and there are several of us feeding our toddlers foods that could cause a severe allergic reaction to her daughter.

I heard little voices recounting some of the frustrations you have all expressed with the outside world not caring for the well-being of your children. My son does not have any ANA reactions, so it does not hit us like it does so many of you. So I am saying I am sorry to all of you out there when I or people like me have been insensitive to your children's severe food allergies.

Reprinted with Samm's permission

My response to her post:

Awww Samm,... thank you!!! I feel bad when others are around me and realize Andante cannot have something they are giving their children. It is an awkward situation, hopefully handled with some Grace. I believe from reading your words, you did just that.

I hate to impose my restrictions on others. I feel especially guilty, yet immensely grateful, when people do understand and try to accommodate us because it is an intrusion into their world (as well as ours) that no one should have to live with. In the same light, I also struggle with the parents’ who do not agree with having an allergen-free classroom. I understand them not wanting to deny their children; I totally get that. I don't want to have to do it to my children either. Yet, when it could threaten my son's life, I can only HOPE that they would show as much compassion and care as you did today.

Bless you! You are a treasure to those of us living with the most severe of food allergies.


Sometimes it is just easier to stay home.




Don't Know What It Is.

>> 28 November 2008

In the TKWFA group, we are always talking about taking time for ourselves.

My Self?  What is that?

It is so rare to be able to have some "Girl Time" with a child that has FA's that when it comes it is treasured.  Ha, treasured... it is PLATINUM!

I have been thinking... what could I do with my girlfriends that would allow us to have some real, exhilirating fun.  Yeah, a spa day would be nice... being pampered and fussed over all day, sippin' Mai Tais, gossiping and giggling.  That's all good and well, necessary, but it has it's place.  No, I want REAL fun.

I was recently watching the first annual YouTube Live Concert today, since I missed the actual live version, and I jumped right to Katy Perry's Hot N Cold performance.  I don't know what it is about this girl, but I tell ya... she is all woman!  Vintage Bombshell!  She OWNS the stage.  And her music, though controversial, is resiliant and powerful.  I give it a 45, Dick!

So I have decided, the next time Katy comes to town, me and the girls are so there!!!   I need some fun!




Giving Thanks

>> 27 November 2008

We would like to thank you
for sharing all of your Gifts and Graces,
and of course, your friendship
with us throughout this past year.
You are a blessing in our lives,
and for that, we are immensely grateful.  

Wishing you and yours
a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.


TinaMarie & family


Fortune Cookie Philosophy - Peace From Within

>> 26 November 2008

Peace comes from within.
Seek it from yourself.




Woah! Before You Butter That Ball For The Holidays...

>> 25 November 2008

A post came to my attention about how the vegetable oil in Butterball turkeys and deli meats contains peanut oil!   The poster emailed Butterball and this is the response that came in today:

November 24, 2008

All of our product packages have labeled the top eight potentially allergenic ingredients (i.e. peanut, tree nut, cow's milk, egg, soybean, wheat, fish and shellfish) in a separate box directly below the ingredient list on the Nutrition Facts side panel. Because product formulations can change at any time, we encourage our consumers to check the ingredient statement on each package they purchase for the most up-to-date information on the ingredients contained in that product.

Butterball LLC uses peanut oil to brown various turkey products. Peanut oil is not allergenic to peanut-sensitive individuals. The peanut oil can be labeled Allergen Free because of the extraction and refining process during the manufacture of the oil.  According to the Institute of Shortening and Edible Oils, the vast preponderance of edible oils consumed in the U.S. are highly refined and processed to the extent that allergenic proteins are not present in detectable amounts.

Once again, thank you for contacting us. We hope this information will be useful as you make product selections appropriate for you and your family.

Butterball Consumer Affairs
Ref: N329093

This only applies to the US plant.  Another poster emailed the Canadian plant, and they reassured her that NO peanut oil is used in their products.  Yet another reason to move to Canada!!!

Apparently, they do NOT realize that the information are basing their claims on are HIGHLY inaccurate.  Remember, it takes less than 2% of a protien to set off an allergic reaction.  The protien content in the "highly refined and processed oil  is less than 10%.  TOO great of a risk for me!





>> 24 November 2008

See!  it can be done!  Naysayers!!!

The Blog-O-Cuss Meter - Do you cuss a lot in your blog or website?

OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Don't EVEN comment, CC'ers.  *snarf*




Another Request

>> 23 November 2008

For Anna,... thank you for the request.




What's Burning In Your Fireplace This Winter?

>> 22 November 2008

The weather has turned. Autumn is lending itsself to Winter now, and the chill in the air is crisp and clean.  The smell of a fireplace says Christmas is on it's way.  BUT...

Do you know what is burning in your fireplace?

I knew there was more than just wood and wax in a Duraflame log, but nut shells?  Soy oil?  Even seeds?

There was nothing on the Duraflame website listing their ingredients, but I did find an article from 10.14.2004 from CRSwire .com on the ingredients of a Duraflame log. I am posting some excerpts below.  I have sent an email to Duraflame about their products, asking if their have been any changes in their seed, wood, or nutshell ingredients. Let's see how long it will take them to respond.

New Duraflame Firelog Made with 100% Renewable Resources in Response to Market Demand and Air Quality Needs in West
Duraflame Mixes Product Development Ingenuity with Environmental Leadership

  • This firelog is made of recycled biomass and plant waxes and oils and produces more than three-quarter's less particulate emissions than a comparable firewood fire.
  • Duraflame discovered a natural seed product they could add to firelog ingredients to create a pleasant, natural crackling sound without ejecting sparks from the fireplace. Duraflame received a patent for this formulation and now markets the "Crackeleflame" firelog throughout North America.
  • Soy and palm plant oils and waxes have become more popular for use in all types of organic food and non-food products, including candles. Increasing costs and shorter supplies of petroleum wax in recent years have also reduced the economical barriers to using the more expensive natural wax alternatives. Like other duraflame(R) firelogs, the All Natural Firelog is made from recycled biomass products such as wood sawdust and ground nutshells.





>> 19 November 2008

My guitarist Mikey is in surgery on his forearm as I post.  The doctor has told him that by Christmas he should be back to normal activities.

Not only do I fear for my friend, I fear for his music...and selfishly, for mine.  When I had my double Carpal Tunnel Relief surgeries, I did not realize just how much it would affect my hands on a daily basis, even today, let alone my ability to play the piano.  I was one of the 25% of people that the surgery does not work for.  Go figure.

I really had to work at regaining most, sadly not all, of my abilities to tickle those ivories.  It was a lot of hard work...sometimes too hard.  Still today, I have to limit my time with any activity I do where I use my hands, including playing my beloved piano.  Sigh...

I know this surgery is not as threatening for Mikey.  Yet, I still worry...

Please keep Michael in your thoughts and prayers today and in the month to come.  His goal is to play for the band and Glorious for our Xmas Eve Concert and Mass.  My goal is that soon, I can hear those sweet stings play for me, to raise my voice to, like only Mikey can do.

Crepe al lupo, amico mio!  Take the Wolf, my friend!

UPDATE:  11:43p PST
Mikey is out of surgery and just texted me. He said the stitches are pretty gnarly looking, but all good.   Thank God.

21 November
Mikey played all of rehearsal tonight.  I only caught a couple of whinces.  He promised me that if he was hurting, he would stop... yet he never did.  And even though he was cautious, he never dropped a note, lost a strum, or missed a pick.  He made that guitar sing and my heart swell.  Sigh... I could not stop smiling.

God is GREAT!




By Request

>> 14 November 2008

I really didn't have an image for this post,
so I found this one from a trip this summer to Nonna & Papa's house.

Lately, my gals at TKWFA (shout out to all my peeps and Angus McCartney) have been raving about my playlist; openly admitting that they don't come to read my rants.  Oh heck no,... they come to listen to the tunes.  Nice, eh?

I guess I should be flattered, since music is my livelyhood and choosing songs befitting the talents of Glorious, (my youth choir...Shout out, Gang!), is an on going process.  Yet, I feel strangely used and a bit miffed at these Background Music Lovers.  I mean really... the LEAST they could do while listening to the tunes is to comment on a post every once in a great while. 

Well, least they come, right?  For that, I should be grateful...

I am, I am... sheesh!

Anyhow... since this has been a recent topic on the TKWFA forum, Angus McCartney, aka Angie, has mentioned the MySpace site that I have with some of the music that I have recorded.  I have to be honest here,... most of it is older, and done in a "not so highly professional" studio, but they have been laid down, none the less.  And by request, I have been asked to put up some of my tracks.  Granted, it only took me a day of searching to find a little player to add on to this post rather than get a totally different playlist going, but I did it.  Alas, I have not let my groupies down. 

This track is a song that I wrote titled Heavenly Garden.  It was the first single that I had written alone.  Before this, I had cowritten a couple of pieces and a full Mass (my wedding Mass I composed on my own, thank you very much... sang it ,too!  Must...remain...humble... lol!) with another of the original founders of our band Littleflower, Allen Hornbuckle (who is now Brother Allen Marie... You go, Big Al!!!  All for God's Glory!!!)  It was written for loved ones that I have lost, and is based on the Prayer of the Littleflower,  St Thérèse of Lisieux .  I hope you enjoy it.  More to come later.




Ever Begin Life As Sweet As This As You Awake?

>> 13 November 2008

Ever begin life as you awake...
Where the horizon is still laying 
quietly across the land,
wrapped in a blanket of tulle fog
that floats across the sand,
Where the Earth is still,
yet quietly hums with the sound of the early morn,
where your breath is swirling infront of you 
in circular dreams yet to be born,
Where love comes as a sleepy eyed kiss
from a stumbling babe,
refusing still to leave the land
where dreams are made,
Where you begin the day
searching for something more you can do,
to make life a little easier for the world,
beginning with those around you,
Ever begin life as sweet as this as you awake?

Copyright © 2008 TM Spagnolo. All rights reserved.




All Hail the Kitchen Frau

>> 12 November 2008

Excuse me for a moment while I ring my own bell...

I am a freakin' genius!

No seriously... I am!  lol

I have been playing havock trying to get the girls to acclamate to the rice milk since we had to switch over.  I finally got them adjusted before school started and then they go to my mother's house.  I told her not to give in to their whining about not getting soy milk, but what does she do...  she buys them soy milk to drink because it is not fair to them to have to drink Andante's milk.  OMG... why do I bother sometimes?!?

Well, they come home from this weekend, and they are back to NOT drinking the rice milk.  Ugh!  Now what do I do?

Hmmm... the pantry.   OK, let's see what's inside.

As I go through it, I see baking chocolate.  Hmmm...totally allergen free (for us).  Interesting!

Well I had just finished making a batch of rice milk, so I figured Ah, what the Hell... I have all the stuff out anyhow, what's another batch see if using the baking chocolate will work to make chocolate rice milk.

Granted, it took a lot more organic sugar (don't ask how much... I cook by taste, than I wanted to use since I had run out of stevia, but after a few taste tests, WHALAA!!!  Sweet chocolate rice milk!  Now for the taste test...

After I brought Allegra home from dance, the children sat down at the kitchen table for a snack.  I gave them GF pretzles and my specially made chocolate rice milk... and I waited with baited breath.  Unbelievably, Rory, Ari, and Dante drank every last drop I had poured into their perspective cups and then asked for more! 

*insert Handel's Hallelujia Chorus here*

SCHWEET!!!  I have conquered my mother's semiconscious underminding!  I rock!!!

Today was a GREAT allergy-free day.  Now all I have left to do is tackle dinner...




Ain't Nothin' Like A Harley Ride

>> 11 November 2008

The chittlins are back, unscathed and as rambunctious as ever.  Even though my parents took the children to their Parish Festival this weekend, Andante did not have a reaction.  How wonderful to hear.

Sunday, I was supposed to get my Harley ride with our buddy Josh... but sadly that fell through.  I totally understood the cancellation, but in all honesty, I was a little bumbed.  The ride would have been just what I needed.  Instead, I spent most of the day alone, worrying about my children needlessly, and ticked at my boys in the band for a bail out... but that is a whole different story.

So yesterday, before my children arrived home, I accomplished some put off projects, and packed up the last of the Halloween decorations (I told you I was behind!). 

Then, about 4p, I got a text from my girlfriend Chandra.  She asked if I wanted to take a ride with Josh.   MAN!!!  My parents had just left from dropping of the children and Nando was at work.  Just my freakin' luck!!!  But Chan, being a close friend, and one that I completely trust with Andante's allergies, texted me back insisting that she was more than willing to watch the kids so I could go on a ride with Josh.  I did have to ask if she was sure she wanted to watch our combined number of 6 all by her lonesome.  Her philosophy - What's a couple more?  She's right - when you're a mother, and a teacher, to us it's what's another 2 or 3?  It makes it even easier especially when our raising and discipline philosophies are similar.  So I jumped at the chance to take them up on the free babysitting and Harley ride.  I would be INSANE not to!

So I got ready, donned my boots and my leather, and headed up the road to their house.  Once the kids were busy playing, I snuck out the front door and Josh helped me to get suited up the rest of the way, and off we went into the sunset... literally!

Oh, it was perfect!  The best medicine for a weary heart and soul.  Better than Calgon! 

We took about an hour and a half tour around the Valley floor and slightly up into the hills off I-5.  It was cold, but not too windy, which made for a beautiful ride.  We talked the whole way through the mics on our helmets.  Gotta love technology - noise cancelling mics made for a really great heart to heart.  As we chased the sunset, we cruised around after nightfall for the last part of our ride before we headed home. 

I tell ya,... there ain't nothing like a Harley ride to ease a troubled mind.  A good friend to take you and shoot the breeze with, a genuine gift.  A best friend to watch your children so you can go with her husband on the back of his hog... PLATINUM!!!

Props to Chan and Josh... thank you for one more Harleygasm notch on my fencepost!




"Can It Really Be Life Long?"

>> 09 November 2008

Ya know... some questions that are asked of me, I don't mind fielding.  Not everyone knows about the severity allergies can play in the life of a person.  In fact, most people will actually ask me if I named Allegra after the allergy medicine. C'mon... Seriously people!!!

Most people, when they think of allegies, think of runny noses, lots of sneezing, watery eyes, and a whole lotta tissue.  More often than not, they do not realize that all too often, allergies can and are fatal.  According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, a recent nationwide survey revealed about 15o deaths per year are attributed to food allergies, and 4o result from insect stings, and that is not counting deaths from allergens such as latex. That may not seem like a lot compared to the number of people there are in our country, but in my opinion, that is 19o too many. 

As I was web surfing today, I came across an article that I had heard about from my Allergist.  It is about desensitizing people with peanut allergies, and one of the trials highlighted was done at National Jewish Hospital in Denver, CO., which is one of the leading hospitals in the allergy and gastrointestinal field.  In this article, it explains how peanut extract or a placebo were injected into the patients in this study to see if they could desensitize the afflicted to their allergen.  The study was never completed as it was haulted when a child died from laryngospasm, which is when food is swallowed, the protiens produce immediate swelling that spreads to the vocal cords. If the vocal cords swell shut, the person is unable to breathe and dies with terrifying rapidity.  Some patients in the study experienced anaphylactic shock, which is when food is swallowed, sometimes not even digest, and the person goes into shock and dies...sometime up to several hours later (biphasic reaction).

The article goes on to list another study, some facts about nut allergies, and the medical support and knowledge needed to aid in avoidance and to react during a reaction.  One key point in this article adresses a question that is all to often asked of me in regards to Andante's allergies.

"Children with life-threatening food allergies do not grow out of them...  Life-threatening allergies to tree nuts and peanuts must be considered lifelong conditions." ~Dr. Alan Greene, MD FAAP

Andante has life-threatening allergies to peanuts (tree nuts are not tested this young but total avoidance is recommended), lupine beans, milk, eggs, and yellow dyes.  And this is only what we know of, since he was only tested for the Top 8 food allergens.  Though a very informative and well written article, it does NOT adress the issue of odor and touch anaphylactic reactions, which afflict my son.

The article does go on to mention having a good Allergist and lots of support around you.  Thankfully, we are blessed with an amazing amount of support, understanding, and help from our family, our friends, our neighborhood, and our support group Terrific Kids With Food Allergies (shout out!).  Without them, it would be a very lonely and difficult road.  Thank you to all of you who are traveling on this journey with us.

Again, some questions that are asked of me, I don't mind fielding. Not everyone knows about the severity allergies can play in the life of a person.  Now, you have the knowledge to one of your questions.   I can only hope the next question you pose to me,  I can help you to understand the answer.



If you would like to read the article in it's entirety, you can access it by clicking the links above when you see the word article, or you can access it by following this link:  Fatal Nut Allergy



All dolled up for Monte Carlo Casino Night Fundraiser.  Ahh, the wonders of MAC!!!  lol

Well, day two without my babes.  Nando is at work.  I am getting ready for Mass.  And I am all alone...

ARGH!  All alone sucks!

I did talk to the chittlins this morning...Rory told me all about her trip to the park with Papa yesterday, Ari left me hangin on the phone because she wasn't "in the right mood" to talk to me (yes... she is just like me... I am soooo gonna get paid back thanks to her!), and all Tay said in his husky little voice was "wuv you"... and that was enough!  So perfect!

So I sit and wait for my time to go.  I will occupy myself with band rehersal today, and then a well deserved Harley ride later.  Yet...

Still all alone. 




Snuggle Puppies...Where Are You?

>> 08 November 2008

Back again.  (You know I couldn't stay away that long!)

I know... you may be asking yourself, What was she doing up at that ungodly hour? 

Well, for those of you that know me, you know that I am a night owl...sometimes foregoing sleep until the girls are off to school and the Little Man is taking his morning nap.  Alleluia for Nap Time!  Seriously, in the darkness of night there is...

Quiet.  Stillness.  Peace.  Time.  No worry.

It's where I find myself again, and come to center.  So precious little of this kind of meditation these days, I have to swoop it up and embrace it when it does come my way.

So this morning, as I was sitting here listening to some new melodies, working on one of the many projects that scream for my attention everytime I walk by my computer desk, contemplating the Christmas liturgy, I began to let my mind wander to my children....

They have gone with my parents this weekend up to their house in the Bay Area while we put in our time at one of the many school fundraiser nights.  Volunteering for a private school should be called anything but!  This is the first time my parents have taken all the children for the weekend since Andante's diagnosis.  They will have a great time playing with their many cousins, visiting many places and people, enjoying being spoiled to the core for a day or two (ok more like 3 or 4).  I know they will have a wonderful time with Nonna & Papa, yet...

I cannot help but to worry.  Will Andante have a reaction?  Will my parents know what an anaphylactic reaction looks like?  Will they go somewhere, not realizing the potential dangers to Andante?  Will they be able to handle the pressure for more than a day?  Will everything be okay?

Obviously, I would not have let my son go without being confident that my parents will be able to handle the task.  They are extremely conscienscious of our way of life, and they have educated themselves well.  More than I can say for the other side.  Yet, I am still a ball of nerves, even if I am pretending not to be, trying to fool my own self.

It will be okay.  I know.  I just have to keep telling myself that.

The girls were a bit upset when they left.  For some reason, they actually wanted to stay home with us this weekend.  Not sure why - they usually leap frog for the chance to spend a weekend at Nonna & Papa's.  I had to give Allegra a little "you're in charge" talk, reminding her that she is the big sister, and that I need her to watch out for "the little ones" for me.  Aria, on the other hand, wasn't really buying the "you have to go with your sister because you two will be the only girls there and you might want another girl to play with" speech.  Hey, I tried.  After Rory calmed down, Ari did as well, and they seemed to be fine as my parents were ready to leave.  Andante was easy.  All you have to do is toss that boy into his car seat, and Dante will take care of the rest (sorta!).  He is managing his seatbelt somewhat now... still have to fix it properly for him, but hey... at least at 19mths, he has a lot more down pat than most! 

I am not sure what the girls' trepidations were, but hopefully, they were not too much trouble tonight.


I think I am just gonna go to bed, try and catch some shut eye before my shift comes up tomorrow, and dream of my sweet babies. 

The thing I miss the most....  their scent.  Just after a bath, just after lotion, just after pj's and hair combings,... just when they are about to slip into a peaceful slumber while, I sing to them.  They snuggle in, their little hands placed ever so gentle on my chest, their scent caresses the air... and I melt.

Good night, my angels.  Thank you for being mine.

Sin makeup at 4:30a...not exactly death warmed over!  LOL!




Harvest Time Down On The Farm

>> 07 November 2008

Aria, myself, & Andante on the hayride at the Pumpkin Patch

Wow... so sorry it has been a while since I have posted.  The end of October/beginning of November has been non-stop events for this city girl! 

From Pumpkin Patches, to a "Harvest on the Farm" themed birthday party for Aria (and 3o of her little friends and their parents...yeah, I know... WHAT was I thinking???  It was SOOO much fun!!!), to Aria's 4yr check-up, to school functions, to meetings, to parties, to dance, to choir practice ON Halloween (I know, again... WHAT was I thinking???), to trick or treating, to getting ready for Kindergarden's Thanksgiving Day Feast (to be held next week), to band rehersals, to the Election, to today... Oh, yeah... and an Allergist visit for Nando and I.... I have not had the time to even breathe, let alone get caught up on all the laundry!!!

Again... WHAT was I thinking???  lol

Andante & Aria playing in the corn box at the Pumpkin Patch

At the Pumpkin Patch, Andante did have a slight reaction to the hay ride.  Benadryl did the trick, as usual.  I so need to buy stock!  I did panic a bit when he wanted to play in the corn box with his sister.  You can imagine how this exaserbates my OCD.   It is an internal fight of, do I let him live a little and have some fun, or do I keep him sheltered from harm, and all that bacteria, and all those potential allergens that could set him off into an anaphylactic reaction because of the cross-contamination.  This is always the hardest decision I have to make.  It tears at my heart no matter which way I choose to let him go.  And no matter what I choose, the tears of frustration, unfairness, and longing they are now!  Oh mercy!

In the end, both Ari and Dante had a great time, with a slight reaction.  I'll take it!

Aria (Tata Chicken...don't ask!) with her cousin Luke (Cowboy Luke)

Aria had a wonderful country fall themed costume party the weekend before Halloween.  We had 3o children (from her class, cousins, choir members, siblings, family friends) attend her party.  We had apple bobbing, potato sack races, pumpkin decorating, candy corn guesstimate, animal scavenger hunt, and the traditional pinata... oh yeah, and the farm animal petting zoo curtosey of my FIL and Nando's Uncle T.  All of the food served was Andate-friendly.  The only exceptions were the candy corn and the optional cheese for the burgers if people wanted.  We announced at the beginning of the party that if anyone was consuming these things to please not touch Dante until they washed their hands and faces and made sure there was nothing spilled onto their clothes, and to please refrain from kissing him.  Most everyone at the party had received the allergy letter from us (posted here in October), so they came prepared.  We had wipes on the tables for everyone.  It was a miracle.  70+ people through out the day, and NOT ONE REACTION!!!

I cried.  People are amazing.  God is good!

Halloween 2oo8 - Knock, Knock!

Halloween went just as well.  My parents had been to China and brought back traditional clothing for the children, so the kids went as American Olympians returning home from medals and all!!!  Allegra won best costume for her K class.  It rocked!!! 

That night trick or treating, we went to a few of our "family houses"... made the Godparents' houses and the special friends, and then made the rounds in a more populous neighborhood.  Remember... we live on a dirt road.  No one trick or treats here!  lol

One thing I did notice is that we could go blocks before we would reach a house giving out candy.  Unreal.  Never have I seen this town especially so dead on pun intended.  Party poopers!!!

Best thing of the night though... when we told people Dante could not take the candy from them because of his allergies... perfect strangers for the most part, mind you,... they would reach in their pockets and pull out money for him.  Dude made out with like $10.  Why didn't I think of this gig before???  lol

Rory & Ari at the school Halloween costume parade

My little Olympians back from China! Ni Hao!

So alls well that ends well.  Now... on to Tday and Xmas.  Lord have mercy!!! 



PS.  Oh yeah... btw... I added some new songs that have touched me lately. I hope you enjoy their message.  Just for you, AM!


Serious Compositions

Under Construction